CWDS Glossary
The CWDS Glossary includes a List of Acronyms and defined terms captured from various models, reports, and other artifacts pertaining to the Child Welfare System – California Automated Response and Engagement System (CWS-CARES) Project. The Glossary standardizes terms used across the various project disciplines; each term is defined with its meaning specific to the project domain.
The State may update the CWDS Glossary at any time. Any questions please contact CWDS Communications.
An artifact that documents all of the program and practice requirements organized by process areas (e.g., Screening), which contain multiple business workflows in the form of Building Blocks (e.g., Gather Person and Allegation Information).
Board of Directors (BOD)
The highest authority level of the Project’s governance structure is the Board of Directors (BOD), which is a coalition of executives from CDSS, OSI, and the CWDA. The BOD is primarily responsible for setting the vision and goals for the overall Child Welfare System and ensuring that the Project has adequate funding to complete its goals and objectives.
While the Project’s ELT is responsible for ensuring that the new CWS-CARES meets state and federal requirements within the established scope, schedule and budget, the BOD retains ownership and responsibility. Significant changes2 to the project scope, schedule and budget must be reviewed and approved by the BOD.
The CWDS BOD consists of:
- CDSS Director, who serves as the BOD Chair
- CDSS Chief Deputy Director
- CDSS Chief Operating Officer
- CWDA Executive Director
- OSI Director
- OSI Chief Deputy Director
Budget Change Proposal (BCP)
A Budget Change Proposal (BCP) is a formal document that is required when a state office has a need for additional resources or a reduction in resources to change the level of service or funding for activities authorized by the Legislature, or to propose new program activities not currently authorized.
Building Block (BB)
A Building Block is a coherent testable unit of work with a clear start/end event and a result of measurable business value.
Build notes
Documents that are shared with the project team, delivered from the development team. They detail the corrections, changes, or enhancements made to the service or product. This document is usually circulated only after the product or service is thoroughly tested and approved against the specification provided by the development team. This document will be provided as an artifact accompanying the Quality Gate deliverables between environments.
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
An agency of the federal government of the United States within the U.S. Department of the Interior. The BIA’s mission is to enhance the quality of life, to promote economic opportunity, and to carry out the responsibility to protect and improve the trust assets of American Indians, Indian tribes and Alaska Natives.
Business Activity Monitoring
Software that aids in monitoring of business activities, as those activities are implemented in computer systems. A business activity can either be a business process that is orchestrated by business process management (BPM) software, or a business process that is a series of activities spanning multiple systems and applications. Business Activity Monitoring is an enterprise solution primarily intended to provide a real-time summary of business activities to operations managers and upper management.
Business Associate (BA )
As defined by the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a Business Associate is any organization or person working in association with or providing services to a Covered Entity who generates, handles, or discloses Protected Health Information (PHI)
Business Associate Agreement (BAA)
A business Associate Contract or Business Associate Agreement is a written arrangement that specifies each party’s responsibilities when it comes to PHI.
HIPAA requires Covered Entities to only work with Business Associates who assure complete protection of PHI. These assurances have to be in writing in the form of a contract or other agreement between the Covered Entity and the Business Associate.
Business Team Definition:
A legal business associate contract between a two or more organizations that will receive access to, transmit, or store Protected Health Information (PHI) as part of its services for the provider.
Business Continuity and Contingency Plan (BCP)
A plan that pinpoints the most important parts of your business, identifies potential risks to these critical pieces and prepares you to recover as quick and easy as possible.