CWDS Glossary
The CWDS Glossary includes a List of Acronyms and defined terms captured from various models, reports, and other artifacts pertaining to the Child Welfare System – California Automated Response and Engagement System (CWS-CARES) Project. The Glossary standardizes terms used across the various project disciplines; each term is defined with its meaning specific to the project domain.
The State may update the CWDS Glossary at any time. Any questions please contact CWDS Communications.
The CalFresh Program, federally known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), issues monthly electronic benefits that can be used to buy most foods at many markets and food stores.
California Automated Response and Engagement System (CARES)
CWS-CARES is the new system being developed for the State of California to comply with Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System (CCWIS) requirements. CWS-CARES will be a modern, web-based computing infrastructure that is flexible, scalable and based on industry enterprise architecture framework concepts. CWS-CARES will consolidate functionalities that are in various systems into a single system and include multiple interfaces with other applications, thus providing CWS workers with critical case information more efficiently.
California Automated Response and Engagement System - Live (CARES-Live)
Current functionality available in production: Identity Management (IDAM), Snapshot (SS), Facility Search (FS), and Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths Assessment (CANS) Tool. The functionality of CARES-Live will be incorporated into CWS-CARES.
California Department of Education (CDE)
The California Department of Education is an agency within the Government of California that oversees public education. The department oversees funding and testing, and holds local educational agencies accountable for student achievement. Its stated mission is to provide leadership, assistance, oversight, and resources so that every Californian has access to a good education.
California Department of Social Services (CDSS)
The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is a state-supervised, county-administered system that provides oversight of programs that affect nearly 3 millions of California’s most vulnerable residents—foster children and youth, children and families receiving aid through the California Work Opportunities and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs), adults and elderly in licensed community care facilities and aged, blind and disabled recipients requiring in-home supportive services or Supplemental Security Income/State Supplementary Payment (SSI-SSP) assistance. The department is 1 of 16 under the umbrella of the Health and Human Services Agency. It has around 4,200 employees located in 51 offices throughout the state, and 58 county welfare departments, offices and community-based organizations.
California Department of Technology (CDT)
Establishes, maintains, and oversees the state’s IT strategic plan, policies, standards, procedures and enterprise architecture. Additionally, the Department approves and oversees state IT projects throughout their lifecycle (e.g., planning, budgeting, procurement and execution) and ensures the security of state information assets.
Further, as the home of the State Data Center, CDT provides IT infrastructure services to its customers, for their public facing and mission critical systems, and offers a myriad of cloud and on-premise services. The Department also employs a strategic focus on innovation, enterprise, and workforce development solutions to expand the state’s operational capacity and provide the agility and scalability necessary to keep pace with the ever-changing demands of doing business.
The California Department of Technology is committed to partnering with state, local government and educational entities to deliver digital services, develop innovative and responsive solutions for business needs, and provide quality assurance for state government Information Technology (IT) projects and services.
California Enterprise Architecture Framework (CEAF)
An enterprise architecture framework designed to guide the development and use of comparable enterprise architectures within and across state agencies so that the resulting enterprise architecture deliverables enable mission success with a lower total cost of ownership, faster time to delivery, and reduced duplication.
California Government Operations (GOVOPS)
GovOps was established in July 2013 as a result of the Governor’s Reorganization Plan 2. Our mission is to improve management and accountability of government programs, increase programmatic effectiveness, and promote better and more coordinated operational decisions.
California Health and Human Services (CHHS) Agency (CalHHS)
A state office that oversees twelve departments and five offices that provide a range of health care services, social services, mental health services, alcohol and drug services, income assistance, and public health services to Californians from all walks of life. More than 33,000 people work for departments in CHHS at state headquarters in Sacramento, regional offices throughout the state, state institutions and residential facilities serving the mentally ill and people with developmental disabilities.
California Immunization Registry (CAIR)
The CDPH Gateway CAIR IZ Portal is the central point of contact for providers who wish to submit immunization data electronically to any of the seven CDPH CAIR regional registries.