CWDS Glossary

The CWDS Glossary includes a List of Acronyms and defined terms captured from various models, reports, and other artifacts pertaining to the Child Welfare System – California Automated Response and Engagement System (CWS-CARES) Project. The Glossary standardizes terms used across the various project disciplines; each term is defined with its meaning specific to the project domain.

The State may update the CWDS Glossary at any time. Any questions please contact CWDS Communications.



Any community care facility operating under a valid, unexpired license.

Facility Search (FS)

Search Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS), Licensing Information System (LIS) and Field Automation System (FAS) data for Facilities, Children associated to facilities and Facility Complaint History.

Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)

Signed into law as part of Public Law (P.L.) 115–123 and has several provisions to enhance support services for families to help children remain at home, reduce the unnecessary use of congregate care, and build the capacity of communities to support children and families. The law enables states and territories to use funds for prevention services, such as: Evidence-based mental health programs Substance abuse prevention and treatment In-home parent skill-based programs Kinship navigator programs

Family Maintenance

A service component of the CWS Program. Family maintenance services are activities designed to provide in- home protective services to prevent or remedy neglect, abuse, or exploitation, for the purposes of preventing separation of children from their families (Welfare and Institutions Code Section 16501(g)).

Family of Origin

A group of people related by blood or marriage or a strong common bond. This includes a blended family unit composed of a married couple and their offspring including some from previous marriages.

Family Reunification

A Service component of the CWS Program. Family reunification services are activities designed to provide time-limited foster care services to address community risk factors and/or prevent or remedy neglect, abuse, or exploitation, when the child cannot safely remain at home, and needs temporary foster care, while services are provided to reunite the family (Welfare and Institutions Code Section 16501(i)).

Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)

A standard describing data formats and elements and an application programming interface for exchanging electronic health records. Built from a set of modular components called "Resources". These resources can easily be assembled into working systems that solve real world clinical and administrative problems at a fraction of the price of existing alternatives. Healthcare records are increasingly becoming digitized. As patients move around the healthcare ecosystem, their electronic health records must be available, discoverable, and understandable. Further, to support automated clinical decision support and other machine-based processing, the data must also be structured and standardized.

Feasibility Study Report (FSR)

The FSR was the initial document in CDT's old project approval process. After the FSR, projects would then develop Special Project Reports until the end of the project. Project Approval Lifecycle (PAL) replace the FSR/SPR process. Historically, when departments proposed IT projects, CDT required them to prepare Feasibility Study Reports (FSRs). The FSR identified the problem, evaluated alternatives, and identified a technical solution. The FSR was developed by the sponsoring department and submitted to CDT for review and approval. Various shortcomings with the FSR approval process meant that projects often experienced challenges once they were underway. These challenges were often associated with significant cost increases and schedule extensions.


A collection of user stories or requirements of similar nature that together to fulfill a stakeholder need. Features group together stories that should be released together.

Federal Financial Participation (FFP)

Title XlX Medi-caid program that allows states to receive partial reimbursement for activities that meet FFP objectives.