CWDS Glossary

The CWDS Glossary includes a List of Acronyms and defined terms captured from various models, reports, and other artifacts pertaining to the Child Welfare System – California Automated Response and Engagement System (CWS-CARES) Project. The Glossary standardizes terms used across the various project disciplines; each term is defined with its meaning specific to the project domain.

The State may update the CWDS Glossary at any time. Any questions please contact CWDS Communications.


Earned Value Management (EVM)

This is a project performance management methodology that integrates cost, schedule, technical scope, and risk to assess progress against a baseline, use that information to identify problems, and forecast cost (and, to a certain extent, schedule) at completion. Simply put, it's a quick way to tell if you're on or over budget, or behind schedule on your project.

Economic Analysis Workbook (EAW)

Each Special Project Report (SPR) or equivalent document submitted to the California Department of Technology (Department of Technology) must contain an Economic Analysis Workbook (EAW). The EAW contains summary level information, which provides the basis for an objective evaluation of the economic feasibility of a proposed information technology (IT) project by the Department of Technology. The purpose of the EAW is to document and compare the costs and financial benefits of the current method of operation with those of each feasible alternative that has been considered. The EAW is also used to identify the specific resources that will be needed, including the funding necessary, for implementing and maintaining the proposed alternative over the projected life of the project. Agencies/state entities are responsible for developing and maintaining EAWs for all IT projects, whether or not those projects are reportable.


An open source, Java-based, RESTful search engine that provides a distributed, multitenant-capable full-text search engine with an HTTP web interface.  Schema-free JS​ON Elasticsearch documents support the search and index of structured, unstructured, and time-series data in diverse formats. 

Elasticsearch Document

​The top-level, or root object serialized into JSON and stored under a unique ID in a manner similar to a record within a relational database.  The original indexed JSON document is returned by default when getting or searching for a document.

Electronic Suspected Child Abuse Reporting System (E-SCARS) (E-SCARS)

A real time, web-based information sharing application that facilitates the rapid and secure electronic transmission and receipt of mandated reports between social workers, law enforcement and prosecutors.


The process of determining if someone qualifies to receive a specific service or access to a specific funding source. Eligibility identifies the funding source and the financial reimbursement level of a payment based on Federal and State criteria.

Eligibility System

A County or State consortium-based computer system that sends and receives Data over an Interface to the System.

Eligibility Worker/staff

Eligibility staff employed by the counties or tribes to provide a full range of services to determine if an individual or family qualifies for public assistance program(s) including eligibility and benefit levels (e.g., Title IV-E benefits) by verifying financial, personal and social information.

Emergency Placement

In the context of Resource Family Approval (RFA), a placement of a child or nonminor dependent with a relative or nonrelative extended family member prior to Resource Family Approval.

Emergency Response

A service component of the CWS program. Emergency response services consist of a response system providing in- person response, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to reports of abuse, neglect, or exploitation, and to determine the necessity for providing initial intake services and crisis intervention to maintain the child safely in his or her own home or to protect the safety of the child. 10 calendar days (Welfare and Institutions Code Section 16501(f)).