CWDS Glossary

The CWDS Glossary includes a List of Acronyms and defined terms captured from various models, reports, and other artifacts pertaining to the Child Welfare System – California Automated Response and Engagement System (CWS-CARES) Project. The Glossary standardizes terms used across the various project disciplines; each term is defined with its meaning specific to the project domain.

The State may update the CWDS Glossary at any time. Any questions please contact CWDS Communications.


Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)

The CWDS Oversight Committee charters the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) as an advisory body to the Oversight Committee (OSC). The primary purpose of TAC is to provide statewide user perspective on technical issues related to CWS/CMS and CWS-CARES identified at the state or county level. OSC further charters TAC as a communication channel between the Oversight Committee and the Regional User Groups, and is expected to add necessary statewide perspective and context to issues and processes stemming from both.

Technical Platform Team 3 (TPT 3)

The Digital Service vendor team charged with the development and delivery of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provide data access and other System* features in support of all CWDS Digital Services, but with a focus on supporting Case Management Digital Service development.

Technical Recovery Plan (TRP)

Addresses who, what, where, when, why, and how to recover something – whether it be an IT system, data network, or other process.

Technical Reference Architecture

Developed specifically for the CWS-CARES project that provides a template and a consistent vision of CWS-CARES context, technology architecture, process, and standards throughout the organization and supplies the context (for identified patterns) for imposing best practices on development and deployment of the CWS-CARES service-oriented architecture.

Technology Platform Team 1 (TPT 1)

The digital service vendor team charged with the development and delivery of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provide data access and other system features in support of all CWDS digital services.  Formerly referred to as the API Digital Service Team, this is the first of at least two Technology Platform vendor teams.  

Technology Platform Team 2 (TPT 3)

The Digital Service vendor team charged with the development and delivery of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) that provide data access and other System* features in support of all CWDS digital services, but with a focus on supporting the Certification, Approval, and Licensing Services (CALS) Digital Service ​development​.  

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)

A federal program authorized under titles IV-A and XVI of the Social Security Act that changed the eligibility requirements for receiving public assistance and set a five-year adult lifetime limit on receiving cash assistance. In California, TANF is implemented as CalWORKs and provides temporary financial assistance, employment and training programs. See Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act.

Temporary Suspension Order (TSO)

An order issued by the Deputy Director for CCLD which suspends a license prior to a hearing. Temporary suspension orders are issued when imminent danger exists, to protect residents or clients of a facility from physical or mental abuse, abandonment, or any other substantial threat to health or safety.

Termination of Parental Rights

The process of involuntarily taking away the parental rights of a parent that has abandoned a child, has without just cause failed to support a child, has neglected or abused a child, has stood by and allowed others to neglect or abuse a child, or who because of extended incarceration in prison, will be unavailable to properly parent or nurture the child during its formative years. Once the parental rights of both parents of a child have been severed, the child will become available for adoption by another family. See California W&IC 366.26

Testable Increment (TI )

A Testable Increment spans multiple 3-week sprints and may bundle together Building Blocks from multiple process/subject areas (e.g. Investigations, Case Management, Courts, Eligibility and Resource Management). A given Testable Increment (or series of Testable Increments) may deliver a specific scenario corresponding to a distinct child/family pathway through one or more Building Blocks.