What are the reporting periods for the NYTD report?
National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD) information is reported bi-annually on a federal fiscal year to the Administration for Children and Families (ACF). For further information, visit California National Youth in Transition Database.
What is the NYTD QA report?
On a quarterly basis the California Department of Social Service (CDSS), Child Welfare Data Analysis Bureau (CWDAB) sends the counties a National Youth in Transition Data (NYTD) Quality Assurance (QA) report. This report contains county-specific records of youth who received ILP services during the most recent six-month period, or foster care youth reaching age 17 during the NYTD report period. All of these youth are potentially eligible for federal NYTD reporting, and therefore subject to mandatory data quality standards. In this QA report, data elements that appear to be missing, inconsistent, or incorrect are highlighted and are to be reviewed or corrected by the county if needed.
After receiving the NYTD QA report, how long do counties have to make corrections?
The reports are shared with counties each quarter. Data corrections need to be entered into CWS/CMS prior to the date of data extraction from CWS/CMS. For example, if the reporting period is from October 1 through March 31, then the review and corrections are due by April 30th.
When will counties receive their NYTD QA reports?
National Youth in Transition Data (NYTD) Quality Assurance (QA) reports are sent to counties quarterly in January, April, July, and October.
Where is the NYTD QA reports sent?
The National Youth in Transition Data (NYTD) Quality Assurance (QA) Report is sent from the California Department of Social Service (CDSS), Child Welfare Data Analysis Bureau (CWDAB) to the CWS Agency County Directors, ILP Coordinators, County SPOCs and Chief Probation Officers.