CWS/CMS Application Administration

How do I setup an office in CWS/CMS?

Many probation counties have worked closely with their CWS counterparts to set up their offices in CWS/CMS. This is a good place to check first. Additionally, the CWS/CMS Office has created two helpful documents that will guide you through setting up an office:

  • Office Setup in CWS/CMS (PowerPoint presentation): Document is available upon request from Customer Relations.
  • CWS/CMS Office Setup Best Practices (Word document): Document is available upon request from Customer Relations.

If further information on office setup is needed, please contact your county's Customer Relations Unit, System Support Consultant (SSC)

What are the authorities and privileges a user needs to do case management or administrative activities in CWS/CMS?

The CWS/CMS application has different levels of authority privileges that work to maintain security of CWS/CMS information. A user's access to information is contingent upon the level of authority and privileges assigned to the user's logon ID and password. A county system administrator assigns authorities and privileges to staff persons, allowing them access to specific CWS/CMS Application Icons that have specific functionality according to the user's job responsibilities.

The CWS/CMS Office has created a PowerPoint presentation on Office Setup that explains authorities and privileges. The PowerPoint is available upon request from Customer Relations.

Can cases be sealed in the CWS/CMS application?

The CWS/CMS Office has located all application-related training material on its website. Getting to it has been secured so that access is controlled. If you are responsible for training in your county Probation Department, please contact the CWS/CMS Customer Relations Team at to obtain a generic password that is specific to your county. If you use CWS/CMS you can access the training portal from within the application. Once you are in CWS/CMS go to the "help" menu and select "Training Portal". Your CWS/CMS logon and password gives you instant access to training materials.

With access to the Online Training Center area of the CWS/CMS website, a large range of tools become available to the county probation department including:

  • New User Curriculum
  • Scenario Manager Download
  • STAR (Statewide Training Application Resource)
  • User Guides
  • Online Release Notes (Describes new code releases)