Welcome to the Statewide Training Application Resource (STAR) training tool, a self-paced training tool for the CWS/CMS application. There are two types of lessons in STAR, interactive lessons, where it requires a user to interact; and demo lessons, where a user can just sit back and watch a lesson.
Logging On to CWS/CMS
Description: | In this lesson, you will learn about CWS/CMS Log On procedure. You must have your PC on with the Windows Program Manager (the main window) displaying. |
Objectives: |
During the “logging on” lesson, you will learn how to do the following
Related Documents: | None |
Review: | You have three opportunities to enter your password correctly before you are locked out of the application. |
CWS/CMS Screen Introduction
Description: | In this lesson, you will learn about the different parts of the CWS/CMS screen. You have already logged on to the CWS/CMS application. |
Objectives: |
The purpose of the “Screen Introduction” lesson is to introduce you to the basic CWS/CMS screen elements and navigation and to explain how information is organized within CWS/CMS. This lesson will focus on the Client Services application since you will spend almost all of your time working in Client Services. This lesson will introduce you to the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The Control Panel connects you to the database through logon. The Control Panel also starts all other CWS/CMS applications (e.g. Resource Management, Caseload). When Client Services is opened, you will see two folders, the Referral Folder and the Case Folder. The bottom of the Window drop-down menu lists all open notebooks. |
CWS/CMS Sections
Description: | In this lesson, you will learn about the types of information recorded in each of the Client Services sections. You are already in the Client Services application. |
Objectives: |
The purpose of the “Sections” lesson is to introduce you to different sections in the Client Services Referral and Case folders. Understanding what kind of information is recorded in each section will enable you to find the appropriate notebook when you need to record specific types of information. You will learn about the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
There are five sections in a Case folder:
CWS/CMS Fields
Description: | The purpose of the “Fields” lesson is to introduce you to each type of field in CWS/CMS. You have opened the following:
Objectives: |
In this lesson, you will learn about the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
CWS/CMS data that is recorded in many different types of fields customized to different types of data. |
Saving Your Work
Description: | In this lesson, you will learn the two ways of saving your work. Create or Update data in a Case or Referral. |
Objectives: |
The purpose of the “Saving Your Work” lesson is to introduce you to the two methods of saving work you have done in CWS/CMS. This lesson will introduce you to the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The Save Options dialog box displays the following commands:
The primary way of saving your work is to Save to Database. However, if you are losing connectivity or are aware of a power outage, you can use the option of Saving Locally. Remember, the data is stored on your PC, not the CWS/CMS database, when saved locally. |
Description: | In this lesson, you will learn about the CWS/CMS search function. You have already run Client Services application. |
Objectives: |
The purpose of the “Searches” lesson is to introduce you to the CWS/CMS search function. This lesson will introduce you to the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
A database search does two important things for you:
One of the main functions of a search is to bring information from the database to your computer where you can use it.
Documents and Reports
Description: | In this lesson, you will learn how documents can be created, edited and printed in Microsoft Word. All documents are saved by CWS/CMS as a permanent part of a Case or Referral, but reports are not. You are already in the open Referral. |
Objectives: |
The purpose of the “Documents and Reports” lesson is to explain the difference between documents and reports in CWS/CMS and to show you how to generate each. This lesson will introduce you to the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
Only documents generated using Document notebooks are saved with a Case or Referral. You can access an existing document by clicking its Open Existing Document notebook button. Documents saved in a Case or Referral can be opened by using the “Open existing document dialog”. |
Offline Help
Description: | In this lesson, you will learn about the CWS/CMS online Help file. You are already in an open Referral. |
Objectives: |
The purpose of the “Online Help” lesson is to introduce you to the CWS/CMS online Help file and to teach you how to use it. This lesson will introduce you to the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
Pressing the F1 key on your keyboard will start the CWS/CMS context-sensitive Online Help file.
In CWS/CMS, you have two ways to access Help:
Client Information
Description: | In this lesson, you will learn how to use the Client notebook to record general client information. You have already opened the Client Management Section in Referral. |
Objectives: |
During the “Client Information” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The Create New Client notebook is used to create a new client. Open Existing Client notebook is used to open an existing client. More than one legal name can be entered for a client. Enter other legal names for clients on the Names page of the Client notebook. Aliases and other names can also be recorded on the Names page. |
Client/Reporter Information
Description: | This lesson teaches you how to perform a Client Search, record initial Referral information, and update Client information. You have already opened the Client Services application. |
Objectives: |
During the “Client/Reporter Information” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | screener narrative.doc |
Review: |
Before you can Save to Database, you must do at least the following:
CWS/CMS allows you to name a referral anything you want Each person involved in the Referral (victims, related clients such as parents, perpetrators, siblings) will need Client notebooks either attached or created. |
Recording Allegation & Determine Response
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record allegation and referral response information. You are already in an open Referral. |
Objectives: |
During the "Recording Allegation & Determine Response" lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to complete the following tasks:
Related Documents: | emergency response document.doc |
Review: |
Before creating an Allegation notebook, you must have a Client notebook for the alleged victim.
If the Perpetrator type is Perpetrator-SCP/Res, Facility Staff is selected:
Users will be able to select a Perpetrator Type of either 'Perpetrator Not Identified' or 'Perpetrator-SCP/Res. Facility Staff' without making the Alleged Perpetrator Field mandatory. Use the Determine Response dialog to do three things:
The Determine Response Guidelines are a series of Yes/No questions to help determine how to respond to this referral. Refer to your county practice for use. You can create the Emergency Response document at any time, or CWS/CMS will automatically create the Emergency Response Referral Document in MS Word before referral closure. |
Cross Report and Referral Assignment
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a “Suspected Child Abuse Report” and transfer Referral assignment. You are in an open Referral with recorded allegations and response determination. |
Objectives: |
During the "Cross Report and Referral Assignment" lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to complete the following tasks:
Related Documents: | suspected child abuse report.doc |
Review: |
You can select the Cross Report Not Sent checkbox when you are not submitting a Suspected Child Abuse or Child Abuse Investigation cross report, but need to satisfy the corresponding reminder(s). The requirements to satisfy the cross report reminders without sending cross reports are to create a New Cross Report notebook and complete the following mandatory fields (along with checking the Cross Report Not Sent field):
The Cross Report notebook is used to view or enter information that will be printed on the Suspected Child Abuse Report.
Record Contact Information
Description: |
This module introduces you to learn how to record information in the Contact notebook. You are already in an open Referral. |
Objectives: |
During the “Record Contact Information” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
To record a Contact, go to the Service Management Section (Orange) button. When you create a new contact, the following fields are mandatory:
The contact Location field becomes a mandatory field, when In-Person is selected in the Method field. This field identifies the physical location where the contact took place. In the Select On Behalf Of Child dialog box, only children named as an Alleged Victim in an Allegation notebook will be available. Use this dialog box to select a child client on whose behalf a contact, service, or visit is being made. The Delivered Services Log Report lists all contacts made, services provided, and visits arranged for on behalf of a child client. |
Allegation Conclusion & Investigation Documents
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to generate Referral investigation documents. You are already in an open Referral. You have performed the steps in the Cross Report & Referral Assignment and Record Contact Information lessons. |
Objectives: |
During the "Allegation Conclusion & Investigation Documents” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | child abuse form.doc investigation narrative document.doc |
Review: |
The Conclusion page is used to record the results of the referral investigation. The Generate New Documents dialog box is used to create the Investigation Narrative and Response to Mandated Reporter documents. |
Referral Closure
Description: |
Learn how to perform a Client Disposition. |
Objectives: |
During the “Referral Closure” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The Client Disposition command is located in the Action menu and establishes a case for a client. The Rationale text box is explanatory text for the selected Decision response. Up to 4000 characters can be entered in this field. This field is mandatory if the Decision is "Evaluate Out", or if you are changing a previously saved Determine Response Decision. Once the supervisor changes the Approval Status to Approved, you can open the client in a Case by using the Open Existing Case Folder. You can open an existing folder in both the Client Services and Caseload applications. |
Create a Hearing
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a new hearing. You are in an active case. |
Objectives: |
During the “Create a Hearing” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following task:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The Hearing notebook is used to record both names of court personnel and notice information. The Retrieve Historical Information dialog box defaults to the last six months. |
Generate Notices
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record and generate notices.
Objectives: |
During the “Generate Notices” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | petition notice.doc |
Review: |
The Notices page is used to view or enter information about notices issued for a hearing. In order for the CWS Attorney to be available for selection, the system requires that you complete a search prior to creating the Notices. Therefore, it is suggested that you perform searches on CWS Attorney’s prior to creating a notice. |
Create a Petition
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record a petition and create a petition document.
Objectives: |
During the “Create a Petition” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | jv110 juvenile dependency petition.doc |
Review: |
A petition is created in the Court Management section, Referral and Case Folders. You can use the Create Amended Petition command in the Action drop-down menu. The Create Amended Petition command will only be active if you are viewing a Petition notebook where the Petition Status is “Pending” and the Filed Date has been filled. A petition or court report can include one or more children involved in a case. You simply specify in the Petition or Court Report notebook which child or children are included in the petition or court report. This information is automatically included on the document. |
Create a Court Report
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a court report.
Objectives: |
During the “Create a Court Report” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following task:
Related Documents: | detention report.doc |
Review: |
A court report can be created and attached to a hearing at a later date. The Court Report notebook for which you are requesting approval must be in focus in order to request approval for it. A Case Plan can be attached to a Court Report.
Associate an Attorney
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to associate an attorney.
Objectives: |
During the “Associate an Attorney” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The association between a client and an attorney is recorded in the Client notebook on the Attorneys page. CWS attorney notebooks are created only in Resource Management. |
Record Search Efforts and Generate Document
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to Record search efforts for missing parent and Create the "Due Diligence" document. You have already opened an active case. |
Objectives: |
During the “Record Search Efforts and Generate Document” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | declaration of due diligence.doc |
Review: |
Efforts to find a parent should be entered on the Search Log page in the parent’s Client notebook. To create the Declaration of Due Diligence document, you must first create a Court Report notebook from within a Hearing notebook. |
Create a Continued Hearing
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record the results and continuance of a Hearing. You are already in an open case. |
Objectives: |
During the “Create a Continued Hearing” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The Create Next Hearing and Create Continued Hearing commands are available only if the Hearing notebook is in focus. Use the "Create Continued Hearing" command to create the new Hearing notebook. |
Temporary Custody Only
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record temporary custody of a child.
Objectives: |
During the “Temporary Custody” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
You can record temporary custody without recording an associated placement.
Temporary Custody Only episodes do not involve an actual out of home placement. A Temporary Custody Only episode is listed with other placement episodes in the Open Existing Placement notebook. |
Non-Foster Care Placement
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record the placement of a child into a non-foster care facility. You are in an active case. |
Objectives: |
During the “Non-Foster Care Placement” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
A Non-Foster Care Placement for a Relative/NREFM placement is created only if the child is being incarcerated or placed in a medical facility.
CWS/CMS allows you to select multiple clients to create several placement notebooks at once. However, all the placements must be in the same home, and notebooks will only be created for children who meet the conditions for creating a new Placement notebook. A current Non-Foster Care Placement must be ended before a subsequent placement can be recorded. This applies to all types of placements. |
Create Eligibility Documents
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to generate eligibility applications for the child. You are already in an open case. |
Objectives: |
During the “Create Eligibility Documents” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to do the following:
Related Documents: | application for cash aid.doc facts supporting eligibility for afdc.doc |
Review: |
The FC-2 Eligibility notebook is located in the Client Management Section. The Medi-Cal Application notebook must be completed before a Medi-Cal Application document can be created. |
Create a Foster Placement
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record the placement of a child into a foster home.
Objectives: |
During the “Create a Foster Placement” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to do the following:
Related Documents: | agency foster parents agreement.doc |
Review: |
In order to record an out of home placement, you must enter a State ID number in the Client notebook of the child being placed. The Placement Count field shows the number of times the child has changed placement facilities since being removed from their home. The count includes CWD placements, Non-CWD placements, and Adoptive placements and excludes Non-Foster Care placements. A search for a Placement Home must be performed before recording an out of home placement.
All placement facilities (except group homes and those considered non-foster care) MUST have a substitute care provider associated with them. |
End Foster Placement
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record the end of a foster placement. You are in an open Case, with the child’s active placement in focus. |
Objectives: |
During the “End Foster Placement” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to do the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
It is necessary to end payments before ending a placement. CWS/CMS will not allow you to input End Date a placement until you have End Dated each payment. To end an out of home placement, you must end all payments and fill the Placement Change Reason and Placement End Date fields (Placement notebook, End Placement/Episode page). A case cannot be ended if a child is in a current placement.
Relative Placement
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record the placement of a child into a Relative/NREFM home. You are already in an open case, with the child’s Client notebook in focus. |
Objectives: |
During the “Relative Placement” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to do the following:
Related Documents: | AFDC Program Choice Indicator.doc soc815 Apprvl of Family Caregvr Home.doc soc817 Chklist for Health Safety Home.doc |
Review: |
To record the placement of a child into a Relative/NREFM home, you must create:
A search should be performed for a Relative/NREFM home before creating a new one to avoid entering a Relative/NREFM home that already exists to avoid duplication. Each placement home must have one primary substitute care provider and may have multiple secondary substitute care providers. A substitute care provider is someone who provides services within a placement home. It may be a foster parent, relative, or someone else that is providing services in the home.
Create a Collateral Notebook and Relative/NREFM Assessment
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a collateral notebook and relative/NREFM assessment into a Relative/NREFM home. You are already in an open case, with the child’s Client notebook in focus. |
Objectives: |
During the “Create a Collateral Notebook and Relative/NREFM Assessment” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to do the following:
Related Documents: | soc815 Apprvl of Family Caregvr Home.doc soc817 Chklist for Health Safety Home.doc |
Review: |
None |
Create a Foster Family Placement Home
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a Placement Home notebook.
Objectives: |
During the “Create a Foster Family Placement Home” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to do the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
There is no Search functionality in the Resource Management application only in the Client Services application. The Resource Management application is used to create Foster Family Homes. A Primary Substitute Care Provider must be active before a Secondary Substitute Care provider can be created. Data populates from the County License Case notebook. |
Create a County License Case Notebook
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to create a Placement Home notebook.
Objectives: |
During the “Create a County License Case Notebook” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to do the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The County License Case notebook is used to record and view information on the status and characteristics of, visits to, and issues involving county licensed homes. Each licensing county has its own unique numbering system. The License Issued Date and Annual Visit Due fields are automatically populated. |
Closing a County License Case
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to close a County License Case.
Objectives: |
During the “Closing a County License Case” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to do the following:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
When the Foster Family Home License has ended or the Substitute Care Provider has moved, it must be entered into the Resource Management application. In order to record a Substitute Care Provider’s move, both the Placement Home notebook and the License Case notebook must be opened to record all the information correctly. |
Initial Case Plan
Description: |
In the lesson, you will learn how to record and generate Initial Case Plan documents.
Objectives: |
During the “Initial Case Plan” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | case plan family assessment.doc |
Review: |
Service Objectives are recorded in the Case Plan notebook. You can create one Case Plan and include all family members as Case Plan Participants. You can have more than one Case Plan Focus Child for each Case Plan. Planned Client Services are recorded in the Case Plan notebook on the Planned Client Services page. They will eventually populate to any Case Plan documents, but are created in the Case Plan notebook. At least one Case Plan Participant must have at least one service objective as entered on the Service Objective page (e.g., Complete Domestic Violence Program). |
Participant Review and Case Plan Approval
Description: |
In this lesson, you will learn how to record parental review information for a Case Plan.
Objectives: |
During the “Participant Review and Case Plan Approval” lesson, you will use CWS/CMS to perform the following tasks:
Related Documents: | None |
Review: |
The Case Plan Update Appropriateness Description must be completed before you can request approval for a Case Plan Update, but not for an initial Case Plan. To request approval for a Case Plan:
A Case Plan can have one of the following statuses: