Data Quality Frequently Asked Questions
How does my County know what data quality tasks should be worked on?
Refer to the Reporting Section. The County workload is listed by priority.
What is the role of the Data Quality Analyst (DQA)?
The DQA is expected to be involved in de-dup processes and other data-centric activities. Each County should designate at least one DQA to be on data quality related emails and discussions.
How can I contribute to an existing data quality issue?
In the details for the issue there is a comment box. You can contribute to the discussion of the issue there, and begin to receive all future updates related to that issue.
Where can I find out more information on the Reports?
Refer to the guide in the Documents section.
Why can't I see all Counties listed in the drop-down box in the duplicate history reports?
All Counties are listed in the drop down box, you will need to scroll down to see the full list.
Where will I find detailed de-dup reports in the portal?
Due to security concerns, there are no detailed reports in the portal. You should refer to the appropriate network folder or BO report.